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  • How to make $50k a year with a Telegram bot

How to make $50k a year with a Telegram bot

And how to turn on the free money printer

Who’d thought an automated Telegram chatbot could bring in nearly $5.000 a month?

Well, Niki from Reddit did.

3 months prior it was ‘only’ $1.500

Here’s how it works

The Telegram bot is AirTrack, and the premise is super simple:

  1. Create price tracking for any route and any dates

  2. Get a notification when the price changes, you never miss a deal

How he grew it to +$52k a year

He built it to solve his own problem. He used to travel a lot and wanted to get lightning alerts when flight prices drop.

90% of the revenue stream generates the Skyscanner affiliate program. 10% comes from a premium subscription.

Last month, his total was up to $4.500.

He spent $0 on marketing (which is a mistake, I’ll explain below) and has grown it 100% organically to +500.000 users.

All word of mouth, and the power of compounding.

Patience + Compounding = $$$

Time to turbocharge

It goes without saying, Niki did an amazing job growing AirTrack to half a million users. But from a marketing angle, it’s time to put a turbo on that growth with some ads.

Here’s the formula:

LTV*/CAC** = free money

*Life Time Value, **Customer Acquisition Cost

If you know how much $ your users will generate and you can get an acquisition cost for new users that’s lower than that LTV, you effectively have a money printing machine.

What’s next for AirTrack

He’s planning on releasing extra features. Specifically for the premium membership to increase subscribers and returns.

$4.500 from 500.000 users isn’t that much after all. Remember 10% came from his premium subscription service (which is $20 a year, $1,65 a month).

Imagine he could increase the number of subscribers 10x the next few months, this is what that would mean:

  • Now: $450 a month = ~270 premium subscribers

  • 10x monthly premium subs: = $4.500 a month

Effectively doubling the monthly income.

Good luck to Niki, and save travels.



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